sydney-based google ad grants management

google ad grants
grow your non-profit

Get $10,000 USD/ month free ad spend from Google for your Non-Profit. We help with Ad Grants account setup and management, optimisation & policy adherance.

Grants Setup

Ad Grants Application
Ad Account Setup
Google Analytics 
Google Tag Manager

Grants Management

Your Business Objectives
Account Structure
Account Management
Ad Grants Policy Checks
Monthly Reporting

Find Out How We Can Help You

Call 02 8003 3026 or

google grants best practice

We can maximise the opportunity and spend of your Google Ad Grants account. We know all the tricks, Grants account policies and we follow best practices.

Google Ad Grants drives Leads, Phone Calls, Enquiries and Donations. It is a huge opportunity with $10K USD per month of free advertising spend.

Google Ads is complex. And Ad Grants has its own rules, policies and limitations. We can navigate the complexity, keep you on track and get the most out of your Grants account.

AdWords Grants Rules

There are special rules for Grants accounts: 5% CTR, no single-word or overly generic keywords, no low quality score keywords and so on.

Ad Grants Policy Changes

In January 2018 Google updated their policies- resulting in deactivation of many legacy NFP Grants accounts.

Ad Grant Limitations

Grants accounts limitations make it more difficult to optimise their value. Limits such as $2.00 CPC bids restrict the reach of Grants ads.

Grants for NFP since 2014

We’ve been growing Australian NFP’s by managing Ad Grants accounts successfully since 2014.

Find Out How We Can Help You

Call 02 8003 3026 or

Catholic Healthcare- AdWords Grants Management & SEO
Australian Museum- AdWords Grants Management
Hello Sunday Morning- AdWords Grants Management & SEO
LiveBetter Community Services- AdWords Grants Management & SEO

ad grants reporting

You need to setup Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Conversion Tracking so as to follow best practices. This enables you to report and track for the NFP business outcomes you want: phone calls, donations etc.


Conversion Tracking

Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager

We setup and manage Ad Grants accounts and optimise them for your Non-Profit’s success. We track, report and increase Leads, Enquiries, Phone Calls and Donations.

Find Out How We Can Help You

Call 02 8003 3026 or